Exportación blindaje
Automotive Bulletproof and Armored Glass
Over 32 years of experience and counting!
Colombia, has been one of the most critical countries in attempts and ambushes issues. Since 1984 through the drug war, our country had become a reference in Ballistic security
As a matter of fact, most of the vehicles that fought in IRAK and many other wars were armored in Colombia.
All that experience can be transfered to your company letting us provide you the armored and Bullet proof glass. You work the “dark” parts and we make the glasses.
In our plant in Bogotá, we lead research, development and production in the very same place
We have been in business since 1993 exporting our products to different countries like Haití, Honduras, Guatemala, Chile and Venezuela among others.
If you are in the automotive security industries through Armored Cars, Bulletproof Vehicles, Armored Sedans &Trucks or any kind of armored companies, we can provide you the Best Bullet proof glasses in every NIJ level available
And, not only the quality, but the price, our prices are so convenient that it will be very profitable for your company
NIJ Standard 0101.03, 0101.04
This armor protects against .22 caliber Long Rifle Lead Round Nose (LR LRN) bullets with nominal masses of 2.6 g (40 gr) impacting at a minimum velocity of 320 m/s (1050 ft/s) or less and 380 ACP Full Metal Jacketed Round Nose (FMJ RN) bullets with nominal masses of 6.2 g (95 gr) impacting at a minimum velocity of 312 m/s (1025 ft/s) or less.
(Lower Velocity 9mm, .40 S&W). This armor protects against 9mm Full Metal Jacketed Round Nose (FMJ RN) bullets with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr) impacting at a minimum velocity of 332 m/s (1090 ft/s) or less and .40 S&W caliber Full Metal Jacketed (FMJ) bullets with nominal masses of 11.7 g (180 gr) impacting at a minimum velocity of 312 m/s (1025 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against Level I threats. Level IIA body armor is well suited for full-time use by police departments, particularlythoseseekingprotectionfortheirofficersfromlowervelocityNIJ
(Higher Velocity 9mm, .357 Magnum). This armor protects against .357 Magnum jacketed soft-point bullets with nominal masses of 10.2 g (158 gr.) impacting at a velocity of 425 m/s (1,395 ft/s) or less and against 9mm full-jacketed bullets with nominal velocities of 358 m/s (1,175 ft/s). It also protects against most of her factory loads in caliber .357 Magnum and 9mm as well as the Level I and IIA threats. Level II body armor is heavier and more bulky than either Levels I or IIA. It is worn full time by officers seeking protection against higher velocity .357 Magnum and 9mm ammunition.
(.44 Magnum; Submachine Gun 9mm). This armor protects against .44 Magnum, Semi Jacketed Hollow Point (SJHP) bullets with nominal masses of 15.55 g (240 gr.) impacting at a velocity of 426 m/s (1,400 ft/s) or less and against 9mm full-metal jacketed bullets with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr.) impacting at a velocity of 426 m/s (1,400 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against most hand gun threats as well as the Level I, IIA, and II threats. Level IIIA body armor provides the highest level of protection currently available from concealable body armor and is generally suitable for routine wear in many situations. However, departments located in hot, humid climates may need to evaluate the use of Level IIIA armor carefully.
(High-powered rifle). This armor, normally of hard or semi rigid construction, protects against 7.62mm full-metal jacketed bullets (US military designation M80) with nominal masses of 9.7 g (150 gr.) impacting at a velocity of 838 m/s (2,750 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against threats such as 223 Remington (5.56mm FMJ), 30 Carabine FMJ, and 12-gauge rifles lug, as well as Level I through IIIA threats. Level III bodyarmorisclearlyintendedonlyfortacticalsituationswhenthethreat warrants such protection, such as barricade confrontations involving sporting rifles.
(Armor-piercing rifle). This armor protects against .30–06 caliber armor-piercing bullets (US military designation APM2) with nominal masses of 10.8 g (166 gr.) impacting at a velocity of 868 m/s (2,850 ft/s) or less. It also provides at least single-hit protection against the Level I through III threats.
Level IV body armor provides the highest level of protection currently available. Because this armor is intended to resist “armor piercing” bullets, it often uses ceramic materials. Such materials are brittle in nature and may provide only single-shot protection since the ceramic tends to break up when struck. As with Level III armor, Level IV armor is clearly intended only for tactical situations when the threat warrants such protection.
40 S&W and 9mm ammunition.
Vidrios Blindados Para vehículos y casas
Más de 32 años de experiencia!
Colombia, ha sido uno de los países más críticos en atentados y emboscadas. Desde el año 1984 debido a la guerra contra las drogas, nuestro país se ha convertido en referencia en materia de seguridad balística.
De hecho, la mayoría de los vehículos que combatieron en IRAK y muchas otras guerras fueron blindados en Colombia
Toda esa experiencia se puede transferira su empresa dejándonos proporcionarle el cristal blindado. Ustedes trabajan las partes «opacas » y nosotros hacemos los vidrios
En nuestra planta en Bogotá, llevamos la investigación, el desarrollo y la producción en el mismo lugar.
Hemos estado en el negocio desde 1993. Nuestros productos se exportan a diferentes países como Irack, Honduras, Guatemala y Venezuela, entre otros países.
Si se encuentra en la industria de seguridad automotriz bien sea en el blindaje de carros, camionetas, camiones, ovehículos de cualquier tipo, podemos proporcionarle los mejores vidrios a prueba de balas en cada nivel NIJ disponible.
Y no sólo la calidad, pues nuestros precios son tan bajos que va a ser muy rentable para su empresa.
Blindaje de exportación
Nuestros vidrios blindados son elaborados cuidadosamente utilizando únicamente productos de máxima calidad.
En la fabricación, a través de los componentes involucrados, buscamos el mejor resultado de la unión de las capas de vidrio, policarbonato y polímeros específicos, los cuales con temperatura y presión, se transforman en un cuerpo resistente que reduce la velocidad y potencia de un proyectil, evitando que perfore su volumen y a la vez manteniendo el balance perfecto entre resistencia balística y óptica.
- Menor grosor y peso conservando la resistencia balística
- Protección balística en el área de la pestaña
- Acabado premium en sus bordes con una serigrafia que ayuda a mantener la originalidad del vehículo
- Materiales que garantizan nitidez, claridad y transparencia
- Rapidez en el proceso de fabricación (12 días)
- Tenemos la gran mayoría de moldes de vehículos comerciales
- Trato directo, fácil y preciso para atención de órdenes
- Atendemos pedidos especiales
- Tecnología de última generación
- Certificación en niveles III y IV
- Nuestros vidrios cumplen con todos los estándares internacionales de laboratorios independientes en resistencia balística
Ofrecemos una sólida garantía de durabilidad de tres años contra incidentes de delaminación del cristal, entendiendo como tal, el proceso mediante el cual se separan las capas de vidrio y policarbonato, permitiendo la entrada de aire entre ellas, estimulando la formación de hongos y bacterias que producen un efecto de opacidad en el vidrio.
Niveles de blindaje
Nivel I: 13 – 15 mm
Armas cortas de potencia y alcance bajo.
Calibre .32 7.65 y .38
Nivel IIA: 15 – 18 mm
Armas cortas de potencia y alcance medio.
Calibre 9mm y .357
Nivel II: 20 – 24 mm
Subametralladoras, Mini Ingram, Mini Uzi, MP5, etc.
Calibre 9mm
Nivel IIIA: 13 – 15 mm
Armas cortas de potencia y alcance bajo.
Calibre .32 7.65 y .38
Nivel III: 15 – 18 mm
Armas cortas de potencia y alcance medio.
Calibre 9mm y .357
Nivel IV: 20 – 24 mm
Subametralladoras, Mini Ingram, Mini Uzi, MP5, etc.
Calibre 9mm